Richard Obermayer, BPHED, CAT(C), D.O.M.P.
Certified Athletic Therapist & Osteopath Practitioner
Richard Obermayer is a graduate of Brock University with a degree in physical education, Sheridan College with a degree in Sports Injury Management and the Canadian College of Osteopathic Medicine. Richard has over 22 years of clinical experiece in treating athletes and non-athletes. He is currently in partnership/owner of Athletic Therapy Services at Dufferin and Steeles Family Medical Centre. In addition he treats at the Centre for Health and Sports Medicine, and the Academy of Sport and Fitness where he works with provincial gymnasts. In 2010, Richard completed his osteopathic thesis dissertation on treating posture in individuals with chronic sinusitis. Richard specializes in the treatment of individuals with problems in posture, as it relates to the structural and physiological functioning of the body. Using his hands on manual approach, he focuses on treating the cause of the problem with both an Athletic Therapy and Osteopathic approach.
What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a science based approach upon the precise knowledge of anatomy, physiology, human biomechanics, and especially the interrelationship of each of these disciplines. This science of osteopathy is balanced by its artistic nature which requires the practitioner to develop precise palpatory skills. The therapeutic aim of osteopathy is to restore the mobility of anatomical structures, as well as to allow the free flow and normal fluctuation of all bodily tissues (blood circulation, lymph, etc.).
Benefits of Osteopathy
- Decrease pain
- Increase joint mobility
- Increases circulation
- Reduces blood pressure
- Reduces tension in the body