Athletic Therapy
Assessment: $85.00 PLUS HST $96.05
Treatment: 30 min. - $65.00 PLUS HST $73.45 45 min. - $70.00 PLUS HST $79.10 60 min. - $85.00 PLUS HST $96.05 |
Assessment: $130.00 PLUS HST $146.90
Treatment: 30 min. - $75.00 PLUS HST $84.75 45 min. - $100.00 PLUS HST $113.00 |
Initial Chiropractic Exam: 45 min. - $110.00
Chiropractic Treatment: 20 min. - $65.00 New Injury/Re-evaluation + Treatment: $95.00 |
Assessment: $140.00
Treatment: 30 min. - $ 85.00 45 min. - $110.00 60 min. - $140.00 |
Massage Therapy
30 min. Treatment - $60.00 PLUS HST $67.80
45 min. Treatment - $75.00 PLUS HST $84.75 60 min. Treatment - $95.00 PLUS HST $107.35 |
All patients will pay clinic at time of treatments and are responsible to submit receipts to their insurance on their own. |